Real World Barrow

This is the true story of 5 gusties, picked to student teach in Barrow, Alaska... working together and having their lives changed forever to find out what happens when we stop teaching in Minnesota and start teaching in Barrow...this is the Real World: Barrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Behold the Power of the 'Stache

For the first time in my life I am growing out my mustache.
Within a week, Osama bin Laden is killed and Twins pitcher Francisco Liriano throws a no-hitter.
You can thank me later.

And now for something completely different.
It's kind of funny trying explain to people why I am enjoying my time up here in Barrow. There is no movie theater, no clubs, no shows, no trees, no grass, and a gallon of milk costs $11 dollars. Sounds miserable, right? The reply that I always give people asking me why I like it here is this: it's not Minnesota.

I know that sounds odd but I think of it this way. I enjoy eating at Chipotle and eat there often. It's been one of my favorite places to eat since I was a kid. But then a new restaurant is opening up and it's serving Greek food. I decide that I'm going to check it out. Does that mean I don't like Chipotle anymore? Of course not. The new place might be good or it might be bad but I just want to find out.

When presented with the opportunity to go to Barrow, I jumped at the bit. Not because I knew it was going to be awesome (which it has) or that I'm trying to run away from Minnesota (Prince lives in Minnesota, come on!) but because I wanted to try something new and have myself an adventure, which is precisely what I have had. None of my previous experiences can compare to what I have seen and done in Barrow. And as I look into my future and start applying for jobs, I am looking for somewhere to bring me an adventure. That might be a school in the heart of Minneapolis or a remote school in Honduras. Whatever happens, I'm up for the challenge.

Hi Ho Silver, AWAY!


Twins Win!

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