Real World Barrow

This is the true story of 5 gusties, picked to student teach in Barrow, Alaska... working together and having their lives changed forever to find out what happens when we stop teaching in Minnesota and start teaching in Barrow...this is the Real World: Barrow.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


As we may have mentioned before Barrow, Alaska is pretty much on the top of the world. Because of this fact, plus the fact that the earth rotates at a 23.4 degree angle and the time of year, it means that tonight we will have approximately 20 hours and 45 minutes of daylight. This may seem like a cool thing, but it gets tiring. I am having trouble adjusting to the change. My internal clock is telling me that because it is still light out it is okay to be awake... even though it is 1:30 in the morning and I have to be up to teach at 5:45, when it will be bright once again.

The sunshine also is difficult on our students. After the almost 24 hour darkness that the students experience in December the sunshine is a bright and welcome change. This means that they are up "playing out" on their snow machines until 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning every night. I have been working with my second graders on telling time. I asked them to show me on their individual clocks what time they went to bed. The times varied from 8:00 at night until 2:00 in the morning. No wonder some kids come to school looking tired!

The sun has never been a problem for me before. I've gone to bed when it's still been up, and I have seen it rise and set and not gone to bed... but this going to sleep when it is up and getting up again and it is still as bright is getting a little old. I wouldn't mind seeing a little less of the sun... it might help with the whole sleeping thing.

Until Next Time,
Quyanaq (thank you) for reading


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